Web Shop Manager - Easy To Use Content Management System
We may begin to see the sun peaking through the recession clouds, but we are not of its shadow quite yet. However, the quickest companies to rebound will be those that are willing to invest in the technologies that allow them to increase market share. And where has the market turned? The Internet.
“When the recovery fully takes hold, the growth will be driven by the web, and retailers that want to survive and grow need to fish where the fish are. eCommerce Merchants with worn-out old systems won’t be the ones getting the business online. The ones that will are making a sound investment in better e-commerce technology now.” Kasey Lobaugh, retail analyst and principal with Deloitte Consulting LLP
Simple CMS for Ecommerce
As business owners we need to ask ourselves what our customers want and need. Listening to our market, Web Shop Manager developed an ideal solution, Web Shop Manager™ (WSM™)an easy to use Content Management System.
Recently, an article was published in Internet Retailer entitled “Internet Retailer Survey: E-retailers are ready to buy new technology, and they have long shopping lists.” Reading this article reminded us just how big the need is for an all-encompassing eCommerce platform. We provide many of the mentioned features in the article as part of our standard product offering, and we couple all of that with custom eCommerce web design.
Built in response to our clients ever evolving needs, WSM™ offers a feature packed arsenal including – but not limited to:
Automatic SEO - WSM™ optimizes every page of content for you by generating your Google XML sitemap, URL list and robots.txt file every night.
Target Marketing - Using customer statistics gathered by WSM™’s Content Management System (CMS), site owners can pinpoint exactly what customers are interested in, in order to develop highly targeted marketing campaigns. Imagine knowing exactly which customers would be most likely to take advantage of an offer and exclusively providing them with an enticing coupon code.
Robust Content Management System - The WSM™ CMS is every bit as powerful as it is easy to use. From first time eCommerce site owners to veterans, there is something for everyone. There are a myriad of eCommerce features, but here are just a few that are included in your WSM™ site:
Resources and Links
Event Calendar
FAQ Pages
Customer Ratings and Reviews
WSM™ for an Ever Evolving Marketplace
Web design and eCommerce platforms have come a long way from their inception years ago. Web Design Solutions/ Web Shop Manager™ are continually adding more eCommerce features and modules to provide flexible technology for our discerning clients.
eCommerce platforms may vary in size and prices, but as far as we are concerned WSM™ provides the best answer for those that require customized web design with an incredible CMS.
By: Dana Nevins

BEDSLIDE - Client Testimonial
"The best thing out of everything was that our sales went up. The new site had a better design, the checkout process was better, and ultimately achieved all of our goals. That site has been up for a year and a half and we’re very happy with it, it’s still awesome." - Jake Plappert