Advance your online success with the right partner.
eCommerce pioneer Dana Nevins shares the keys to becoming a millionaire selling auto parts online.
With a team of experienced eCommerce veterans and a large portfolio of successful stores and brands across multiple industries, we welcome the opportunity to learn about your online goals and provide guidance on the following topics:
Research & Planning
Market Analysis
Competition Analysis
Conversion Optimization Analysis
Buyer Profile Analysis
Advanced Attribute Filtering & Search
Year-Make-Model Search
Buyer Community
B2B Functionality
Mobile Optimized Design
Branding & Design
Logo Design
Brand Identity Package
Site Architecture & Design
Rotating Banners
Product Data
Product Data Development
3rd Party Integration
Complex Product Data Management
Inventory Management
Product Merchandising
Social Media
Brand Optimized Landing Pages
SEO/SEM Analysis & Planning
Channel Integration

COGNITO - Client Testimonial
"Our products are so complex but customers can now go straight to the website to get answers, research products, and find exactly what they need. Especially with regard to sales, fitment, and the Advanced Guided Search, Web Shop has been a huge improvement." - Kayla Broadhag