How To Do Basic SEO for E-commerce
Search Engine Optimization is a complex and intricate process that takes time to perfect. It’s safe to assume that every web page has certain SEO aspects that can be improved upon. Optimizing your site is a marathon, not a hundred yard dash; it’s important to constantly be on the lookout for improvements you can make. Below is a list of a few do’s and don’ts on how to do basic SEO that can instantly increase the SEO value of your website.
First and foremost, write quality content. You can throw in all the keywords and links you want, but if the writing on the page is subpar it’s a safe bet that any visitors won’t stay very long and you're nowhere closer to increasing value for your page. This doesn’t mean you need to write with the complexity of a scientific journal, it’s much more important to make your site an easy read. This can be accomplished by catering to the audience your company appeals to; write for who will be reading the information
For each individual page, choose a relevant keyword or phrase that you want to represent the theme of that specific page, and choose keywords that aren’t too popular. The competition for these phrases is extremely high; Google Keyword Tracker is a great tool for deciding what exact words you want to commit to
When using keywords, utilize different sized fonts and bolded words. Search engines recognize this as an indication that those words and phrases are more important than the ones surrounding it
Keyword Density is also a major factor that needs to be considered while writing content. It is possible to use too many keywords and have your site blocked from Google. To avoid keyword stuffing, primary keywords should consist of about 7% of the page, while secondary words should be around 5%
Embrace the power of linking. Whether it’s interlinking to other pages on your own website, or getting other companies to provide inbound links to your page, the importance of quality links cannot be overlooked
Make sure the pages you’re linking to are related to what is being discussed. Search engines recognize the relevancy of links within your website, and using them correctly can drastically improve your page rank
Contact companies in the same industry as you and try to get them to link to your page from theirs. If competitors are linking to your site, Google will come to the conclusion that your website is relevant and useful
By: Dana Nevins

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